Friday, January 15, 2010

Annual Value Of Property Is There A Formula Of Annual Rent Able Value To Calculate The Value Of A Commercial Property?

Is there a formula of annual rent able value to calculate the value of a commercial property? - annual value of property

I rented a studio in Rhyl North Wales, which cost me a year want a 4k buy it, and I wonder if you can the value of annual income value.i calculate'm no financial genius, but I think There should be a formula or a relationship with the annual rental value


Dub_Stat... said...

The car more or less reflects the value of the building, but there are many other factors.

I recommend using a site like Rightmove or similar commercial properties in the past sales of similar properties in the same area to see get an idea of value.

The good news (for you) is that commercial property values have declined significantly recently, so it should be in a good position to negotiate aa good price.

Sergey Troshchenko said...

A quick method for calculating the value of commercial property is your relationship to the gross rentable area multiplier (GRM) and the gross annual income multiplied by your property. You can your local commercial real estate or any other person of contact for a list of current GRM. In order to determine the GRM yourself, you have a list of several properties that are similar in style to draw you into consideration. The GRM is the ratio of the share purchase price of a property by its gross annual income.
Good luck!

SalUK said...

Actually not - the value of a property more defined by the location, size, type of region, age, etc. etc. etc.

Try a free quote from a local expert retained.

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