Thursday, February 18, 2010

Transparent Bra Models Female Living Alone....Should I Be Worried About This?

Female living alone....Should I be worried about this? - transparent bra models

I am a woman in my life only 20th I pattern for life and my appearance, I get a lot of attention from men.

My room faces the rear of the building. Recently, she has worked is being done in our name back, past my windows from floor to ceiling space where you can see directly into my room. I already had whistles and obscene comments Serveral workers while working at the front of the building last week. Then in the last week I woke up in the bra and underwear to 8 hours, an employee stood on the edge and stared into my room to be found. (I have curtains)

Since that time, I noticed that when a worker climbing the ladder outside my room looking in. This was very unpleasant. Can I learnED, which is now the keys to the roof and the construction industry.

So basically, dozens of strange men, now that I live alone and I'm home every night, and if you want to know they can easily copy the key to climb the roof and the fire escape to my room is always possible .

I know it sounds unlikely, but I always feel uncomfortable ... Am I wrong?


cloud 9 angel 4^[]^4 said...

A roommate has a phone and a knife or a gun beside his bed or installed.don t have a security system at home is sure to change the curtain

Chawmay..babi <3 said...

****. OMG taħt Fear SOE
Yes, it could happen at any time, fear? but true.
I propose to take you home and then go for friends and sleep overs, or to the police and say get this story and are protected! Or a switch, even in a new building or a new lock to be very strong!

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