Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How Many Calories In Pork Chop Dinner Do You Think What I Ate Today Will Help Me Gain Weight, Lose Weight, Or Stay The Same?

Do you think what I ate today will help me gain weight, lose weight, or stay the same? - how many calories in pork chop dinner

16 years old, 5'9 ", 152 lbs.

Breakfast: a cup and Honey Nut Cornflakes with milk
Breakfast: a banana, a cup of raisins, 80 calories and a free pudding cup sugar
Snacks after school: (I) usually in my hunger, a whole bag of popcorn, but only 30 calories per cup, with about 8 cups 240 calories?
Dinner: a chop 2.6 ounces, a normal amount of mashed potatoes, Boston Market and green beans.

So what?


Anonymous said...

It depends on your metabolism.

If you want to change effective results in weight loss and alteration of chicken, Cheerios, the oatmeal with water, not the banana if you want to lose weight. Instead of trying, vegetables, bananas.

Anonymous said...

It depends on your metabolism.

If you want to change effective results in weight loss and alteration of chicken, Cheerios, the oatmeal with water, not the banana if you want to lose weight. Instead of trying, vegetables, bananas.

Anonymous said...

It depends on your metabolism.

If you want to change effective results in weight loss and alteration of chicken, Cheerios, the oatmeal with water, not the banana if you want to lose weight. Instead of trying, vegetables, bananas.

Anonymous said...

If you do not burn calories as you eat your weight gain ... even if only 10 Accumulate

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